ethics and compliance

Femme de dos avec une veste rouge regardant au loin

Transdev’s missions are carried out thanks to our tens of thousands of team members who, at all times and all across the world, act and make decisions in accordance with strong ethical principles.

Our Code of Ethics, approved by the Board Members, allows each Group employee or manager to know “how to correctly proceed”.


Thierry Mallet, Chairman and CEO of Transdev Group 

Our ethics and compliance standards

Our individual and shared principles, in line with our values, comply with our shareholders’ recommendations and with guidelines to which Transdev subscribes, such as the Global Compact. These principles shape the Group’s image and contribute to the relationship of trust built with our various partners.


Moreover, whatever our position in the company, we must keep them in mind and apply them every day, to help us in our choices and to ensure consistency in our actions and words.


Code of ethics



visuel code of ethic transdev 2021



Anti-Corruption Money laundering and Financing terrorism code

visuel code of ethic conduct 2021



Human Rights Group Statement


Transdev Group Human Rigths statement 2018



Supplier charter



Supplier charter 2023




An alert system which guarantees protection

Transdev has deployed a management system in each of the Group’s countries that enables employees to know ”how to correctly proceed”.


It includes a whistleblowing system which gives employees and external stakeholders the opportunity to report a compliance problem related to the Group (harassment, corruption, abuse, environmental damage, etc.).


Access to this reporting system is available through the SpeakUp® platform, a simple and secure reporting solution which allows information to be sent anonymously.

To access the Whistleblowing system click here